Monday, July 9, 2012


Soooooooo....in a world full of chaos, in a world where at times everyone and everything...seems the same, I found myself yearning for some depth to life. I dunno...maybe I felt like I was subconsciously
searching for something organic...something or someone "different". Sometimes we as humans, feel something inside  and don't really know what it is. Sometimes we as creatures on this planet Earth..become so accustomed to life, and all that's in it... we begin to accept people, art, music, and life just as it is. At times we lose ourselves to "stereotypical" ways of life. Even tho deep inside of our souls, we know what truly makes us happy. We sometimes bury our artistic ways, or silent our lyrics and feelings...out of fear of being labeled an  "outcast" in our society. (*Hold up hold up *Big Sean voice) I'm not saying that all people are the "same"....but every once in awhile...a "gem" is found. Something spectacular, and rare.I found something...or should I say ....someone...that is a rare gem...and he calls himself AHPTIMUS PRIME.
"The Revolution Will Not Be Televised"
When I first met AHPTIMUS PRIME....I was headed to W.41 Side Studios with EzWhite (1 of Cleveland's dopest rappers, probably rookie of the year). EzWhite and I stomped our way down the stairs to the studio. I wasn't expecting much that day, there were a couple of other artists in their creative zones already working. I wouldn't dare call these artists "typical", but I would say...everyone was in their fits...ya kno...designer jeans, expensive t's, fitted hats...except for B-Lo (another beast on the mic from Cleveland...that will make you say "Im in the PAINT"), B-Lo was wearing the coolest {{Bow-tie}}. I glanced around the studio...fixated on the most beautiful, wonderful graffiti I have ever seen in real -life. I was so lost in the artwork it probably took me a few mins til I realized I was being introduced to someone sitting in the captains chair in front of the computer. I've been introduced to hella people before ...so my hand stuck out in a kinda limp "heyyyyy I'm Jenn" dry kinda way. But suddenly the figure in the chair looked up from under his paper-boy hat...and flashed a genuine smile. He wasn't wearing your stereotypical fit. He had on jeans, comfortably broken in, and a sweater...almost vintage looking. It was 1 of those moments when the room spins, and everyone else vanishes. It was like my eyes locked on his ....and he said "Hey I'm AHPT"! (*noooooooooo this isn't one of those sappy romantic novel kinda writings, or love at first site kinda deals) Sometimes you can just read a person from the moment you look at them and decide if they are "good" people. I'm not saying that this is always the case, yes my lil gut has led me wrong before, but for the most part...my lil gut has been right.
AHPTIMUS PRIME is nowhere near your "average" dude. He is the complete opposite!!! You can totally tell that's guy is mos def comfortable in his own skin. He is super confident in his life, music, and art. I took a seat, still kinda shell shocked from this "new" guy. AHPTIMUS PRIME was effortlessly patient with Ez as he asked for the track to be played back, cut etc. AHPTIMUS PRIME listened to what Ez wanted, he would suggest things here in there, but he was allowing Ez and other artist to have control over their creative session. Some producers wil try and smother the artists with their interpretations or visions for that artist. AHPTIMUS PRIME's whole aura is that of an open, earthy, zen filled, 1 with all things living, creative, beautiful, and nourished soul. I sat in awe....like "is this guy really real"....after AHPTIMUS PRIME  worked for awhile....he finally removed himself from the captains chair aka production chair. I noticed his vinyl collection. Let's just say...it's one of the COOLEST collections I have ever seen. Being a vinyl collector myself...I was amazed! I also noticed huge pieces of artwork. It's like AHPTIMUS PRIME is some kind creative prodigy. A real artist will and can create beautiful art...on a piece of wood, coaster, window etc. AHPTIMUS PRIME had actually taken old doors...full doors, and created the most amazing, creative, eclectic pieces of work. I found out that he loves to do graffiti...which is a no brainer....because AHPTIMUS PRIME graduated from The Art Institute Of Pittsburgh. Not only is he artsy, he musically talented.
I'm sure most people may try and stereotype AHPTIMUS PRIME when they first meet him...as being "earthy, black power, organic, "Common" on his iPod, kinda guy". The truth is...he is earthy, organic, and intelligent. He's mos def into black history and politics, and his people. There is nothing fake about him. He mos def marches to his own beat...literally. Not only is AHPTIMUS PRIME a producer, engineer, art director, emcee, and cool ass dude...he is also a part of a band  called "POETIC REPUBLIC". I refer to his group as a band...because they are 1 of the few groups, that offer live music, drums, guitars ...the whole shebang! "POETIC REPUBLIC" combines hip hop, rock, and soul all together.The group was born around 2003, and their music gives you many layers of sound. If you aren't able to catch them here in Cleveland, maybe if you happen to make it to Brooklyn you might hear them. AHPTIMUS PRIME constantly jets back from Cleveland, to Brooklyn. Sometimes when you meet an artist like AHPTIMUS PRIME...ya know...earthy and soulful etc...they seem to only want to associate with "people" like themselves...but AHPTIMUS PRIME is different. When he is in the studio...he is completely open to new music , new beats, new concepts! I wouldn't classify him as a "trap artist"...because I will say...he can do it all! Just because the vision he has for himself might not be the vision for someone else, he has the ability to be able to create any kind of beat...and I mean any kind. He was laying down the fattest beats...some trap, some smooth jazz like beats. AHPTIMUS PRIME is so cleverly talented that he actually uses vinyl from his extensive collection to make beats...most of his beats have some kinda of classic vinyl infused with them.
I had a chance to see AHPTIMUS PRIME perform at the ROC bar not to long ago. He was with the whole W.41 Side crew. All of the artists out of W.41 Side are so different. Everyone has their own sound. AHPTIMUS PRIME gave a heart filled performance.You can tell he feels what he is saying. He isn't the tallest guy, but he covered the stage from every angle...he was passionate with his words. He performed to a crowd of mostly white people. By the time his performance had ended...he literally had all the white people holding up "black power" fist signs!!! Soon after his performance he was right there with the rest of the crew...vibing and filming with the utmost dedication for the rest of the crews performances. AHPTIMUS PRIME is a team player. He loves his crew. He mos def stands out amongst the click tho. He loves thrifting at the thrift store, and he loves to tag his work around the city. Sometimes you might catch him in the studio...barefoot, chillin in the most zen kinda way.
After meeting AHPTIMUS PRIME I felt whole myself. I felt somewhat born again. Listening to his music, thinking about his art...it made me feel comfortable with myself being myself again, free to do all that I love without caring what others may think. I ran home and stood in front of the blank canvas, that had been blank for weeks. I picked up my brush and started to paint. I sat in the grass with my shoes off, I slowly went thru all my vinyl and laid the needle to em. In a world full of chaos, where everyone and everything seems repetitive...I was thankful that I had met such a "gem", a person that's completely in control of their energy. Once you meet AHPTIMUS PRIME, and hear his music, or find yourself worshipping his art...you will understand how I became a fan. AHPTIMUS PRIME is a unique individual. His aura is contagious. His originality...will make you search for your own. If you need beats, or art he is an genuine, sincere person in making sure he gives you the best he has to offer. Become a fan...of AHPTIMUS PRIME!!! XOXO




1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great write up! I don't know how old this is but I love it! Hope to reach this excellence one day.