Q.How did you get the name Crazy8TheGreat?
A. Lololol well...my Grandma was a huge fan of playing cards. I learned early that anything is possible with an 8 card. Just like music...and if you turn the number 8 sideways, it means "infinite". Plus the number 8 is "curvy",

Q.You've been on the Cleveland music scene for a long time now. How long have you been doing music?
A. Well really since like 2003
Q. Has your style been the same?
A. NO! I mean when I first started 'rapping", I was really young, and I would rap just to rap. My songs didn't really have a meaning, or any depth to them...I was just rhyming words together. Now I'm more seasoned...as far as my lyrics, and stage performance. Now my music is like a weapon with direction. I aim and shoot.
Q.When did your style change?
A. Bout 3 years ago...after signing with Visible Lyrics. I mean before I actually signed I went thru like a 6 month "Artist Development " bootcamp.
A. It's where you learn about yourself. You dig deep and find out what kind of artist you are and what kind of artist you are trying to become. I literally cut off my hair, I had braids and cut em off.
A. Oh man!!! VISIBLE LYRICS is the label I signed with. They support me 100%! I was at the "I Spit Competition" and I bumped into "Lollipop" aka Queen of Beats, and it's present history now!!!
Q.Where are you from?
A. I'm from Warrensville, but I graduated from Kennedy H.S.
Q.What kind of music are you into, you seem like you like all sorts of music?
A. I love all kinds of music! I download a lil of everything! Rock, pop, hip-hop....I'm really digging that new Justin Beiber...I mean the beats are sick! (*I am too...ya'll sleeping on it)
Q. Not many people would admit to liking Justin Beiber, yet you seem comfortable in all that you do. do you find that makes you an outcast?
A. Yeah...I would mos def say I'm an "outcast". I mean it seems like I've always been an outcast my whole life.
Q. Is that how you got the name ..."The Most Popular Lame"?
A. Yeah...I guess you can say that. I mean I've been doing music for a long time. I believe in my music, but for some reason I still am on the outside of the "music circle". No matter how hot my music is...it seems like I'm still not recognized.
Q.Who have you worked with?
A. Actually I 've worked with sooo many people. I've worked with super producer Yonny and Rami Beatz. Styles Dis Another1 has done sooo much for me, he does most of my music!
Q.How would you describe your style?
A. Edgy, truthful, and painful storytelling
Q.I've notice you like to wear a lot of cartoon character t's etc. Why are you into characters?
A. Lolololol well....I didn't have much of a childhood growing up. My mom's struggled a lil...so now that I'm on my own, and I resort back to old cartoons that used to make me smile as a kid. I dunno I've always been into cartoon and superheros etc. It's just me.......
Q. How did you get the name "The Most Popular Lame"?
A. I wasn't always the"coolest" kid in school. I wasn't always in the flyest clothes...my mom worked all the time...but I still had basic plain clothes...nothing to brag about. People made fun of me. Even now...I make great music...and everyone know's of me. Yet they don't "KNOW" me.
Q. Is this how you became a part of the "anti-bullying" campaign?
A. Yes! I was watching the news and they had a story about bullying. So my label Visible Lyrics hooked me up with the campaign and I've been to dozens of schools where I have performed and discussed anti-bullying.
Q.If you are well known throughout the industry, why do you find it difficult for people to collab with you or give you the credit you feel you deserve?
A. The music industry is a very competitive industry. I really don't want to sound cocky...but I think most people realize I'm a threat...lyrical wise. Let's get 1 thing straight....when I ask to be on a song, or anything like that...I'm not tryna take over the song...nor am I tryna outshine that artist. I'm just wanna enhance the song a lil lol.
Q. When is your new mixtape dropping?
A. As of now there is no actual release date yet....but it's coming!
Q. What will it be called?
A. The Road To Rising
Q. When do you think people will finally give you the credit you deserve?
A. NOW!!! I'm trying to reach out to all the people that can relate to me and what I'm saying. Hard work will mos def pay off!
Crazy8TheGreat and I sat for a lil longer. I realized he is much different in person than he is on stage. Off stage he is quiet, withdrawn a lil. You can tell that he has a chip on his shoulder. Probably from the industry and all of the b.s that comes with it. Crazy8TheGreat just wants to make music. He still believes that success is not a popularity contest. You can tell that he's not ready to give up just yet. He is actually just getting started. I can say that when I saw him perform for the first time at the ROC bar I was impressed. His stage performance was that of someone who has been doing music for a long time. It's obvious that he has been groomed and conditioned...wether it's from the support of his label VISIBLE LYRICS, or his artistic, animated, dramatics are that of an artist that's been doing this for a long time. Either way Crazy8TheGreat put on an awesome show. With songs like "In for The Kill", and "Opening Anixety", it's difficult not to feel some kinda way when hearing him. This guy has built a huge fan base (*almost 5,000 followers on damn twitter!!!), because many people can relate to being an "outsider". Crazy8TheGreat won't let "stereotypes" hold him back...he will continue #RISING!!!! XOXO
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