Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I had a chance to meet 1 of Cleveland's most underrated artist!!! I mean I was genuinely excited to meet CARTIER CASA. Cleveland's very own YOUNG SHANK has spoken very highly of CASA the last time we chopped it up, so I was curious about who this guy was. If anyone is from Cleveland...then you know...for a well respected artist like YOUNG SHANK..to put his LEGIT PAPER stamp of approval on someone...mos def means something. Not only was I pumped about meeting someone new...I was eager to meet the guy from the video "CARTIERS & FERRAGAMOS" that was shot...in all places...the world renowned CLEVELAND MUSEUM OF ART!!!! I came across "CARTIERS & FERRAGAMOS" and as soon as it started to play... my mouth literally dropped to the floor. I had to do a double take, and make sure I was actually seeing what I thought I was seeing!!! YES!!! The opening shot is really the world famous portrait of CUPID and PSYCHE!!! I mean here was this guy, that without hesitation reps 1 of Cleveland's deepest hoods (*S/0 to 131st) strolling thru THE CLEVELAND MUSEUM OF ART like he owned the place. Not only that, but CASA was dressed in a high class fit from head to toe, rocking the best of the best CARTIER frames. I had never seen an artist take a chance like that. I mean seriously...how many people really respect the arts in these times? The video follows CASA as he dines in the best of the best eatery, shows off his style against the fattest fountain, and gushes arrogance and gigantic metaphors.Not only does CASA exude hood elegance at its finest...the lyrics of the song make you wanna stack yo dough, jump on couches, ride thru the streets and....stack some more dough. CASA has jumped off the ship that's been sailing with so many of the same pirates, and has attempted to swim to shore on his lonesome. That alone takes guts. Sure he could ride the the success of LEGIT PAPER...but he wants to do his own thing. This video shouldn't make that goal to difficult. I love this video! I respect the artwork, and the strength it took to take a chance. I look forward to his new EP Release coming out soon. Wait til you see what CASA is gonna be bringing out the vault. I was lucky enough to get a chance to listen to this masterpiece...and let me jus say...IT'S DOPE AS FUGGGGGGGGGG!!!!! Soon as it drops I will share it with you! XOXO


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