Q. How did you get the name KPT?
A.KPT is for "KURUPT" , cuz everyone in my family thinks I'm an asshole. I was always getting in trouble growing up, I'm always fucking shit up...but KPT..that's a cool way to say fuck up.
Q.Where were you born?
A. Lakewood...Lakewood Ohio
Q. You were born in Lakewood, Ohio...but what city do you rep, do you rep a hood?
A. I'm all over...but yeah..I rep Brecksville and Strongsville...yeah...
Q.Are you all over Cleveland now that your music is blowing up?
A. Hell yeah!!! I wanna know everybody! I love meeting new people! It's always good to make new friends..."friend in hand" ya kno.
Q.What are some of the stereotypes people may have when first seeing you?
A.Ughhhhh they be like "yooo who's this Indian dude. He probably doesn't sell drugs or really do any of the things that he raps about". People think I just rap to rap and make up material for attention.
Q. Is there any truth to that?
A. HELL NO!!! Everything I spit is real. Just cuz I'm Indian doesn't mean shit.I'm still a man. I've lived life, I've got my own...everything I talk about is real...I can back up my music....some people can't.
Q.What's your favorite food spot to eat in Cleveland?
A.Mickey D's!!!
Q. Are you serious?
A. Hell Yeah!!! I don't care how much money I make or how many albums I sell...I'ma always fuck with the dolla menu. I'm not into all that fancy food all the time. Double Cheeseburgers bang!!!
Q.What is you most memorable , favorite performance?
A. Sometimes I get so wasted I don't remember some shows...but I mos def remember opening up for Bone Thugs N Harmony at Newport Music Hall!!! That performance was dope!
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A. Because I was in the car afterward, smoking...trippin like yooooooo...did I really just open up for Bone!!! It was insane cuz I'm from Ohio and Bone is like 1 of the most amazing rap groups of all time!!
Q.What female artist do you respect?
A. Nicki Minaj...I respect her ass...she's gotta fat ass lol...but naw I dig her flo...she's cool
Q.What's 1 thing you do everyday?
A. Take a shower...oh..and drink lemonade
After a few moments listening to KPT I soon realize that this guy is all over the place. In a super cool kinda way. He's sarcastic and humorous ... I find myself feeling awkward, only because at times he seems disrespectful..but in an attractive kinda way lol.......
Q. Sooo how did you start rapping?
A. I was very energetic! I had a lot of rage, and emotions built up inside and rapping..making music helped me release all that was inside of me....music has been my therapy.
Q. If you didn't listen to rap..hip-hop what would you listen to?
A. Man....I literally listen to all kinds of music! I listen to a lot of Indian music, like old Indian music from the 40's and 50's. I like country too cuz it get's deep. Believe it or not...I'm a big fan of Gospel music. I LOVE gospel music. It has crazy energy!! I mean the people feel it, and the gospel artists voices are rich and deep, so are gospel beats.I'ma infuse some of it into my music!
Q.When you make you first million what's the first thing you would buy?
(*long pause and KPT voice get's serious...almost sympathetic thru the phone)
A. I would...pay off all my dad's hospital debts. He has cancer and the medical bills are insane. I would take care of all his medical debt.
Q.Do you fell pressured to succeed...because you are the "minority" in the music industry?
A. Actually...no...not at all. I mean everyone has their own shot. I'ma go harder tho because I don't wanna miss my shot.
Q.Do you feel like you and Draft Pick...are being marketed sometimes as a "group"?
A. Naw ...Draft Pick is my friend. We support each other, at the end of the day that's my friend...I enjoy rocking out with him...he's good people.
Q.How did you feel about your first Ohio Hip Hop Award Nomination?
A.Wow!!! I mean...I knew I had worked hard, I knew I had been out here grinding, but...to actually see myself on the nominee ballot...whew..I felt like all the hardwork I have been putting in...was finally being appreciated and recognized. I felt extremely humbled.
(Don't forget to vote!!! http://www.ohiohiphopawards.com)
Q.You say music is an outlet for your emotions...is Twitter an outlet as well? (LOLOL) I mean I follow you and you seem to express yourself a lot...especially about females!
A. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH yeah well...I like to fuck around on twitter, I love the twitter freaks, I mean sometimes I'm bored and will ask a question just to see who responds...wait a sec...I'm pretty sure JennyPooh you respond to me sometimes (lol *lies I swear people)..I mean most girls are all about it..
Q.What artists would you love to work with?
A. Nas, Jeezy...man I was super sick when my dude had a chance to record with MGK! I mean I admire MGK and he's from Cleveland! We both love to rage...we are both like 2 caged animals, I was jealous a lil lol
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There is commotion in the background, I hear KPT laughing, and a girl giggling...
Q.What is 1 of your major goals in life?
A. HAHAHAH to keep my dick in a girls mouth, and always shoot in her mouth
Q. HA! OKkkkkk ..what is a goal that you have for your career?
A. I wanna be the biggest independent artist ever!!
Q. What city besides Cleveland do they show you hella love?
A. Everywhere I go the people love me...but really...Indiana...Indiana always shows me so much love!
Q. Are you always so cocky?
A. Actually yes...I was born "cocky" (KPT laughs at his own penis joke) and yes...I have always been cocky. I believe in myself.
(I hear a car door pop open...KPT says "ugh...I got my yeezy's on..n jus stepped in mud...fuck it."...and he laughs)
Q.What is some music that you have worked on or events coming up?
A. Turn Up with Big Heff, Welcome Back, I'm working on some music with Ray Jr. and I'm gonna be on tour with him for the Welcome Back to College Tour.
Q.When are you dropping your mixtape?
A. Probaly in a couple of months when I get back from India.
Q.OMG!!! You're really going to India?
A. Yeah...I've been before...I'ma do some shows out there...India is cool...but I'm not to pumped bout going...80% of the country...doesn't have plumbing...I'ma have to dog a hole to shit.
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http://www.datpiff.com/Draft-P1ck-Kpt-Elevated-mixtape.355644.html |
A. 24...jus like my rims.
Q.Anything you wanna let the world know before we go?
A. Yeah...if you are looking for my nude pics...have my mom send you sum!
Grind, hustle, determination, talent and dreams have no color on them, they have no nationality. KPT has seen a lot, done a lot, and now he is trying to give the world a chance...a chance to embrace his musical talent, hear his story...and be respected. KPT wether he knows it or not...has opened a door that has been closed for years, for generations....and he's not scared, nervous or intimidated by what's on the other side. Once again Big Heff has found talent...and struck gold...with KPT!!!! XOXO
This is by far...one of the most original, coolest videos I've seen in awhile! See if you can figure out who these cartoon characters are!!!! DOPE CONCEPT!!!
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