It was just like that....that I met MIKE CLUM. At this point in MIKE CLUM'S life...I feel as though...he needs more of an introduction...something grand...something more form fitting to the new found respect and fame he has consumed through his creative genius, and hardwork. MIKE CLUM isn't just "Mike", as he often introduces himself. MIKE CLUM...has single handedly reformed music videos for all musicians in Cleveland, L.A, and many other cities. Some may think...from the work he produces...that he has a 100 member team helping him. Yet when I walked into the video shoot for Ray Cash I was intrigued, as well as hungrily curious....because MIKE CLUM...was doing it all by himself. Not only was he doing the video shoot by his lonesome...he was in total control of his work space. He quietly walked from room to room, the whole time his camera in his hand. I sat back and like I usually do...sank into a seat on the couch...and began to absorb my surroundings.
MIKE CLUM is mos def bout his business. The video shoot mos def could have gone 2 ways. I mean he was shooting a video for friggin RAY CASH outta all people. That alone shows that MIKE CLUM has a superb track record. RAY CASH is a perfectionist, I mean he's done videos a million times. MIKE CLUM could have chose to totally takeover, not listen to the artist, and shoot with no vision, no concept or without any meaning to the song....yet..MIKE CLUM chose to take a different approach. He listened to RAY CASH, and at the same time...he gave pointers on lighting, and sound, colors, and even texture...he assertively suggested things that would or would not work. The whole time moving...moving around....MIKE CLUM keeps it moving. There is no stalling or stopping...it's all business for him...and he keeps an eye on his watch. I literally watched MIKE CLUM...set up a whole video shoot, in a small space. NO NO NO...he is not just another "stereotypical white guy with a camera". He's super professional...and awesomely creative. Some directors just shoot, but MIKE CLUM actually has a passion for music, which comes across thru his videos. He's the total package when it comes to services in video and production.
As time went on....the usual vibe was cast upon the room....I mean...good music, the most beautiful green tree ever puffed...and creative energy.
I was amazed at the strength this skinny dude had. I mean most people would have fallen under the pressure of a room full of people... offering tree, and some people do things just to fit in. But MIKE CLUM...is far from "typical". He's not trying to "fit-in"...he has no reason to. He's shooting his own shots. It was comforting and genuine the way he can walk into a room full of people...that are very much different from him, and automatically blend in, and find the common factor that brings most of us together...music...and videos. MIKE CLUM checked his 3 point lighting, he came ready with smoke machines, filters, and hella other tricks in his bag.
MIKE CLUM does a delicious job of providing musical artists...with some of the most amazing visuals! The visuals aren't just visuals. MIKE CLUM has mastered editing and visual effects to a "T".
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