In a word full of chaos... I have found a shortage of the things that I love. Glitter shadow, pink lipstick, sneakers, bamboo earrings, pop music, and female music artists have seemed almost impossible to find in 1 spot or person lately. I mean Beyonce...well she popped out Blue Ivy, Ciara...well she's like a "model" or something, Lil Kim...uhhhhh...yeah (*love her but...yeah ok), Katy Perry...she doesn't rap, and Kei$ha must be on vacation somewhere or something. So where does a person like me turn to when in need of all of these people and things combined? BELLA NAE of course!!!!!

BELLA NAE's music is just down right FUN!!! No matter if you are male or female you will enjoy listening to BELLA NAE. From the cover to Drakes "Take Care", where she succceeded with making it her own,using her whispy soft voice, and sincere lyrics. Or to the bubbly, energetic "Ab Fabb", where she kinda introduces you to her musical style and provides you with a few aggressive lyrics, that seem sweet when delivered by her tiny voice. She has the voice that's very "proper" and sexy. This girl could tell you she stepped in dog crap...and she would make it sound sexy! BELLA NAE is mos def 1 of a kind and the musical world is her's at the moment. Just avoid stereotyping BELLA NAE as a "pop princess". She's more than just pop...and with that being said...let me invite you to a lil Q & A with BELLA NAE!!!
Q. Do you write all of your music?
A. YES! I write all of my music, including my raps. My management sometimes asks me to "tone it down" a lil, or maybe even "turn it up", but for the most part...they have given me full creative control over my music. Not to sound "cocky"...but my team trusts my creative choices. They know that if I am sent into the booth, there is really no need to worry...I always deliver.
Q. What was your upbringing like?
A. I was raised in Inglewood California. I wouldn't say that I had everything I ever wanted as a child, but I would say that for the most parents provided me with basically everything I wanted..sure there were a few things I didn't get when I wanted. Fashion was everything when I was in high school. When my parents wouldn't get me the new Jordan's that were coming out, I would take my Air Force 1's and sell them off to my friends and make the money for my new sneakers!
Q. What is your relationship like with your parents?
A. OMG! My Mom and Dad are awesome! My parents always filled me with tons of LOVE. My Mom and I built an early line of communication. Even when I was younger I was always able to talk to my Mom about almost anything. I was the kid that didn't really have a curfew. I got to do pretty much whatever I wanted to a responsible way. There was a lot of trust between my parents and I when I was growing up. My Dad filled me with tons of knowledge. My dad always told me to "Always be aware of your surroundings". Til this day I always keep that thought in the back of my mind.
Q. How would you describe your music in 3 words?
A. Fun, Real, and Edgy
Q. Who would you love to collab with?
A. Hhhmmmm....I think WIZ n I would make some awesome music together. He has his own style, and you can really tell that he has grown as an artist from when we were first introduced to him. I love Kendrick Lamar, I would like to work with him...and Nicki Minaj...she's awesome!
Q. Do you have a stylist or do you style yourself?
A. I do all of my makeup and styling. I love fashion, I love mixing different kinds of things together, but 1 day I would love to have a stylist...sometimes things get kinda hectic.
Q. What's your favorite pair of sneakers?
A. OOhhh I love sneakers! I prefer Nike High Tops, I usually only wear low tops while I'm working out. I love the 10's, and 7's.
Q. If you were trapped on an island....what 3 things would you have to have with you?
A. Food, Water, and a Solar Powered IPod! WOW! I just think of things that are cool powered IPod...they mos def need to invent that!
Q. How was SXSW?
A. SXSW was AMAZING! It was my first time there! It was soooo many acts and sooo many different kinds of artists. Everyone was really nice and open to my music. I had a great time performing!
Q. What are you emotions when singing live?
A. Nerves, confidence...sometimes I get nervous about the sound system. Sometimes you can't hear yourself, but I trust myself so I just go with what I'm feeling. If you feel it, they will love it.

Q. Where is your dream venue to perform?
A. Which ever holds the most people!!!!
Q. What's it like to tour with mostly male artists?
A. It's fun at times...of course you get guys that will try and holla at you all the time. I keep it professional, and I demand respect at all times. I'm focused on my career as a female artist, sure at times my girls may say "oohh he's so cute"...but my mind is focused on my music.
Q. Are all the girls in your videos...really your friends?
A. Well...actually...we kinda knew each other before...but after the videos were shot...we are now really cool with each other, they are all very sweet girls.
Q. Are you signed with a label?
A. YES! Mahoning Valley Records/ Universal!
Q. If you are not a "pop princess"...then who are you?
A. I wouldn't be turned off if you referred to me as a "pop princess"...that's flattering as well...I just don't ever want to be put inside of a box, my music is more than just "pop"..I will let my fans decided on what they would like to call me...for now...I'm BELLA NAE.XOXO
Real cool! I love Bella Nae's music!
Bella Nae is NICE !! Loving these vid's. Momma Michelle must must be REALLY PROUD.. I.N.G luv to you!!!
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