Mannnnnnn... this have to be some of the funniest sh*t I've seen in awhile. Unless you are of those "stuck up", uptight, defensive will mos def be able to find the humor in these paradoy videos. I stumbled across them and can't stop watching! I will admit....sometimes when I watch "Rap Battles" I often...feel a little not "hip -hop"...maybe becuase I feel like...some of these battles ...aren't very battle-ish...*yeah I made up that word headroll fingasnap. Most of the rap battles, are in a location...where there are groups of "fans"...which often seem biased from the jump. You have the stereotypical crowd...that ooohhhhhh's and awwwwww's at every line that's spit...even though you are watching at home like.."uhhhhhhhh that was kinda wack". The use of props has become popular in most of these battles as well...and these videos do not hold making fun of props, crowd particiaption, titles, winners, and just the rap battle experience as a whole. Trust me...these videos are fu*kin HILARIOUS!!! Mr. Deshawn Raw does an excellent job at providing us with a humorous paradoy on hip-hop. With a cameo from Chris Rock, and already know that the situation is comical, stereotypical, and all based around truth lol. Check out these videos....super funny!!! XOXO!/deshawnraw
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