Okkkkkkkk Soooooooo I was running late 1 night to a show that I was hosting at the infamous PHANTASY nightclub on the westside. Already for-seeing the future (slippery wet floors) I slowly climbed the infinite flight of stairs in my VANS and finally reached the top. Most of the artists had already been checked in. Full off the herbal refreshment I had embarked upon earlier, and satisfied from the mexican pizza I smashed (*s/o to taco bell...no beans) I was leaning along the ledge...listening to KICKAGIRL go over everything that was suppose to happen. There was alot of hustle and bustle and I was only half listening. Things seemed somewhat out of order and a tad bit chaotic. I was thinking to myself "whoa...which way is up right now?". Then suddenly I saw the tallest , skinnest white guy ever rush up to the front and literally kinda wiggled the set list from out of 6 hands that were holding on to it in confusion. My 1st instinct was to snatch the list back....but as I looked up at the person who had the list in their hands I relaxed...and eased back into my leaned position. The white guy was so assertive and speedy. I said "ummmm sooooo who are you?" He looked at me like "uhhh you don't know...I'm BOBBY BOOSHAY".

During the show BOBBY BOOSHAY went above and beyond the expected "DJ GET THE CROWD PUMPED" set. BOBBY BOOSHAY'S youth is refreshing! He's mos def not afraid to play all new music! I mean looking at him you would expect maybe something different. Yet BOBBY BOOSHAY went from Cudi, to King Chip, to MGK, Ray Jr, Chief Keef,and I could have sworn he played TEZO n KEN BALL "DINNER DATE"He was all over the music map and the crowd loved it!!!! It wasn't unitl he played WRECKIN SQUADD "ONLY" that I sat up and realized....BOBBY BOOSHAY...is the next dope DJ!!!! I mean a lot Dj's play Cleveland music but he found a way to really share it, and get all types of people to feel the energy.

BOBBY BOOSHAY didnt stop there!!! DJ BALL was starting to set up his tables directly across the stage. Now DJ Ball is 1 of theeeee BEST DJ's in CLEVELAND. I myself was looking a lil...curious to see what was about to happen. BOBBY BOOSHAY was spinning during a set change...and then as if to test his skills...DJ BALL slowly started to kinda spin a lil himself. I stood next to BOBBY BOOSHAY ...looking at him like "damnnn I think Ball is trying to go". BOBBY BOOSHAY watched from across the stage at 1st like "ummmm wtf is going on?"I gave him a lil nudge and said "keep going!!!!" Just like he started to goin in, and for like 5 mins which seemed like an eternity while on a stage...BOBBY BOOSHAY and DJ BALL battled back and forth! In the end... DJ BALL took over....but BOBBY BOOSHAY received a head nod...which might as well been some kinda trophy. *It was insane!!!!
It was my 1st time meeting him, and I felt proud to be standing next to him. He was excited, and just pumped to be there!!!!! His energy was contagious and I found it admirable that this young kid would even have the kahunas to go against DJ BALL!!! BOBBY BOOSHAY since then has been the official DJ for hella college parties, and shows!!!!! He's interactive with his crowd, he's young in the game and he's able to play pretty much whatever he wants without all the politics being involved. Remember what music used to sound like when you first started to love it....remember when music was FUN!!!!!!!! BOBBY BOOSHAY aka SUBGRIME is ready for the takeover!!!! Now I invite you to spend a day in the life with him!!!
This dope visual is an amazing peek into A Day In The Life With Subgrime!!!!!!! XOXO
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