Spark Plug - a person who gives energy to an activity involving others
Friday, June 13, 2014
They say…"ain't nuttin better than picking up right where you left off". That may just be the case with WRECKIN SquaDD"#2Dz Danny Glover" Freestyle!It's been a minute since "ONLY" dropped (*yeah that's when I became a fan..headroll fingasnap), and there has been hella bullish*t that may have slowed down WRECKIN SquaDD's musical momentum. JAY-R(he mos def aint lil anymore) quickly asks us"Who tha fu*k done told you tha Shoota was not coming home"?"#2DzDanny Glover Freestyle"quickly dissolves any premature write offs, or questions referring to WRECKIN SquaDD's longevity . With theeee… oh so infamous #2Dz chants and ad-libs , grimygutta visuals, and heavy CLEVELAND representation "2Dz Danny Glover Freestyle" goes hard!!!!!#2Dz XOXO @JayR2dz @DirtyDreadReDD @WreckinSquaDD… Wreckin SquaDD
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