Friday, July 13, 2012


I first fell in LOVE with WYE OAK, when I saw them perform on Last Call with Carson Daly. It was one of the most beautiful live performances I had ever seen!!!! At times it's difficult to understand what this chic is saying....but if you relax, and let your mind go...you can hear her. Her voice is soft...captivating, and the drummer...is absolutely AMAZING! You would think that from the sound of the music...it's a huge gigantic band. But it's not!!! The band WYE OAK...literally consists of just 2 people. What you see is what you get. The drummer has found a way to play drums, keyboard, chimes, and damn near everything else...with just two hands!!!!! It's intoxicating to watch the drummer do so many things at *tha same damn time. The chic is sooo beautiful. She's far from you average "big booty black girl", or "bleached hair, big boobs, lip synching pop star". her style is classic and cool....like she only shops at American Apparel, or thrift stores. What's most beautiful about this chic....is that she has the fingers of an angel on the electric guitar. Watching her get into her zone as she plays for some reason makes me feel aroused and warm inside. To witness an individual get lost in their talent get's me excited. If your not used to folk, alternative kinda music...you should start off with WYE OAK. It's a must that respect their simplicity, and unique musical talent. XOXO


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